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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Why get SPANCed? (& what does it mean anyway?)

Like other cities' small press action networks before us, SPANC means Small Press Action Network Calgary. Rumour has it that the first Small Press Action Network (SPAN) was started by spoken word poet Sheri-D Wilson in Vancouver. There are now SPANs in Toronto and Ottawa too. Small Press Action Network Calgary (SPANC) was started as a listserv by some collective members at filling Station Magazine, Calgary's non-profit literary & arts magazine, then moved onto Facebook and blogspot realms.

The point of SPANC is to create a central hub where local writers can share literary events with one another and their audiences. It's hard to get media coverage - which doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying at all times. But we do have to look after our own as best we can in the meantime.

One of the other purposes driving this new blog is as an outlet for events that were pouring in to Lit City was a short-lived column at Fast Forward, Calgary's weekly street paper. It was unfortunately cut in favour of coverage of other artforms (which, of course, already get far more coverage than literary events are granted), and/or to gain back some essential adspace for a cigarette company or car manufacturer. Once a week, SPANC will post literary events received via the litcity Gmail.

You can also send literary events to

Keep writing! And don't forget to come back & get SPANCed.
(Sorry, I couldn't resist saying that).


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